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Membership rules

View the membership rules in the PDF file and, when registering remember to check the box (under 'account') indicating that you agree to these rules.
Membership portal is only available in DUTCH!

Privacy policy members

The ECHA committee is responsible for processing personal data following the requirements of the GDPR. However, we are not responsible for the work and publications of non-member holders of an ECHA diploma. We expect members to adhere to the code of conduct.

We collect personal data for the sole purpose of effectively managing our Association and responding to any requests for help. We use your personal data to call or email you and within the context of network activities. We only share personal data with third parties if necessary for matters agreed upon by members, such as membership of ECHA Europe.

It is always possible to view, correct or delete your personal data via your account on this website.

Please also read our general Privacy Policy.


The ECHA Network committee consists of committed members who jointly monitor the association's functioning and play an active role in the various activities that the association develops.

  • Ragnild Zonneveld (chair)
  • Simone Keijsers (Secretary and Vice-Chair)
  • Rianne van de Ven (Peer coaching)
  • Martin Timmer (PR)
Ragnild Zonneveld - Voorzitter ECHA Netwerk


Ragnild Zonneveld completed the ECHA training in 2016. She works at Cedin Zorg en Onderwijs as an educational advisor, specialising in giftedness in young children. She also has her own company for early identification and guidance: Vroegwijs.

Ragnild has many years of management experience in various volunteer positions. She has been a committee member of the ECHA network since January 2017 and has become chair of the committee since 2018. Her areas of focus are liaising with external contacts (including RCSW, CBO and ECHA Europe) and the future of our network.

Henny van Hal - Secretaris ECHA netwerk


Simone Keijsers completed her ECHA training in 2018. She works as a Trainer/Coach for students and colleagues at Leiden University. In addition, she has her own Training and Coaching company. She is also co-founder of the National Network for Giftedness in Higher Education. Simone has been the ECHA Network’s vice-chair since January 2019.

Ragnild Zonneveld completed the ECHA training in 2016. She works at Cedin Zorg en Onderwijs as an educational advisor, specialising in giftedness in young children. She also has her own company for early identification and guidance: Vroegwijs.

Ragnild has many years of management experience in various volunteer positions. She has been a committee member of the ECHA network since January 2017 and has become chair of the committee since 2018. Her areas of focus are liaising with external contacts (including RCSW, CBO and ECHA Europe) and the future of our network.

Simone Keijsers completed her ECHA training in 2018. She works as a Trainer/Coach for students and colleagues at Leiden University. In addition, she has her own Training and Coaching company.

She is also co-founder of the National Network for Giftedness in Higher Education. Simone has been the ECHA Network’s vice-chair since January 2019.

Els Hegemans Penningmeester ECHA netwerk


Lonneke van Drunen completed her ECHA training in 2019, previously having been trained as an illustrator and art and art history teacher at Artez University of the Arts. Lonneke has been working in secondary education for more than 20 years, where she is an art teacher and an in-house ECHA specialist in giftedness. As a project leader, she has set up and implemented a gifted programme at Openbaar Lyceum Zeist, a secondary school in the Netherlands. These efforts have resulted in its development towards a certified Giftedness Profile School (Begaafdheidsprofielschool).

In addition to her educational work, Lonneke guides gifted adolescents toward successfully completing their education. Because of her different roles, she regularly collaborates with primary and secondary schools, school partnerships, parents, and gifted adolescents themselves, of course. Within the ECHA committee, she focuses on public relations (PR).

Els Hegemans Penningmeester ECHA netwerk


After obtaining his Master’s degree in German language and literature as well as language education, Martin Timmer specialised in coaching gifted children aged 12 years and up. Martin has his own practice, Voorsprong in Talent, where he coaches gifted adolescents, young adults, and their parents.

In addition, he has worked in secondary education since 1998. He has set up and implemented a gifted programme at a secondary school in Nijkerk, the Netherlands, having worked there as a giftedness coordinator for the last ten years. This work resulted in him becoming active within the BPS Academy committee for several years. This committee is part of the Association of Begaafdheidsprofielscholen (Giftedness Profile Schools) in the Netherlands (BPS).

Having started in 2022, Martin works as a giftedness specialist for a Secondary Education Partnership in the Dutch province of Gelderland. As such, he is co-responsible for designing and implementing an intermediate school facility for gifted adolescents. As a project leader, he also organises meetings and peer coaching sessions at the secondary schools within the Partnership.

Martin joined the ECHA board in 2019, initially facilitating our PR. He has taken on the role of secretary since May 2022.

Lonneke van Drunen completed her ECHA training in 2019, previously having been trained as an illustrator and art and art history teacher at Artez University of the Arts. Lonneke has been working in secondary education for more than 20 years, where she is an art teacher and an in-house ECHA specialist in giftedness. As a project leader, she has set up and implemented a gifted programme at Openbaar Lyceum Zeist, a secondary school in the Netherlands. These efforts have resulted in its development towards a certified Giftedness Profile School (Begaafdheidsprofielschool).

In addition to her educational work, Lonneke guides gifted adolescents toward successfully completing their education. Because of her different roles, she regularly collaborates with primary and secondary schools, school partnerships, parents, and gifted adolescents themselves, of course. Within the ECHA committee, she focuses on public relations (PR).

After obtaining his Master’s degree in German language and literature as well as language education, Martin Timmer specialised in coaching gifted children aged 12 years and up. Martin has his own practice, Voorsprong in Talent, where he coaches gifted adolescents, young adults, and their parents.

In addition, he has worked in secondary education since 1998. He has set up and implemented a gifted programme at a secondary school in Nijkerk, the Netherlands, having worked there as a giftedness coordinator for the last ten years. This work resulted in him becoming active within the BPS Academy committee for several years. This committee is part of the Association of Begaafdheidsprofielscholen (Giftedness Profile Schools) in the Netherlands (BPS).

Having started in 2022, Martin works as a giftedness specialist for a Secondary Education Partnership in the Dutch province of Gelderland. As such, he is co-responsible for designing and implementing an intermediate school facility for gifted adolescents. As a project leader, he also organises meetings and peer coaching sessions at the secondary schools within the Partnership.

Martin joined the ECHA board in 2019, initially facilitating our PR. He has taken on the role of secretary since May 2022.

Els Hegemans Penningmeester ECHA netwerk

Peer consultation

Sharon Duijveman-Weterings completed her ECHA training in 2020, previously having completed the Dutch teacher training course and her Master’s degree in Special Educational Needs, specialising in behaviour.

Sharon guides (highly) gifted students with an intensive need for support at Cals College in Nieuwegein. She also focuses on the educational programme for this group, both at school and regionally. Within the ECHA board, she focuses on peer consultation.

Els Hegemans Penningmeester ECHA netwerk

Membership administration

Sharon Duijveman-Weterings completed her ECHA training in 2020, previously having completed the Dutch teacher training course and her Master’s degree in Special Educational Needs, specialising in behaviour.

Sharon guides (highly) gifted students with an intensive need for support at Cals College in Nieuwegein. She also focuses on the educational programme for this group, both at school and regionally. Within the ECHA board, she focuses on peer consultation.

Winanda Maljaars completed her ECHA training in 2010. After quitting her work as a teacher in primary education, she is now self-employed as an itinerant supervisor. She also offers guidance and team training to primary and secondary education teachers. She works on behalf of the respective collaborative association of schools. Moreover, she started the IGGroei foundation with an ECHA-graduated integrative child and youth therapist and a university-level remedial educationalist specialising in giftedness. This foundation disseminates knowledge about and offers guidance to pupils who are (in danger of) dropping out of education.

In 2022, Winanda obtained her master’s degree in pedagogy with a research topic on the educational provisions to radical accelerators in their senior years at primary schools.

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Member portal

The Association of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education connects and encourages ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education to exchange and bundle their expertise, to strengthen one another, to create opportunities together, to inspire innovation and progression, and to make a substantial contribution to optimising best practices in the field of giftedness and gifted education.

Register as a member now!

Member portal is only available in Dutch!

There are many advantages to being a member of the Association of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education. It enables you to stay in touch with fellow specialists in the field of giftedness via a digital working group and to participate in peer consultations twice a year. As a member, you will be listed on our website with your services and publications, which will boost your visibility. As a member of the Dutch Association of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education, you are also automatically a member of the European Council of High Ability.


To be eligible for registration as a member in the register of the Association of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You have a valid ECHA diploma;
  • You subscribe to the NOBCO code of ethics;
  • All affiliates are expected to maintain a professional approach. Clients enter into individual agreements with members registered with the network. In the event of complaints, reference shall be made to the complaint procedure set out in the Association of ECHA Specialists in Gifted Education regulations.

Candidate members

A prospective member who has not yet completed the entire ECHA training programme but has competed the theoretical part may become a candidate member. Besides having completed the theoretical part, the candidate must also still be registered as an ECHA student.

Members currently pay € 110 per year
Candidate members pay € 80 per year

Following registration, you will receive further information (by email) on the remaining procedure to become a (candidate) member.

Membership Rules

Please see the PDF for the membership rules.
When registering, you must agree to the membership rules and the terms of use by reading and checking the PDF.

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